data_3DPR # _model_server_result.job_id dkG0f_FwvnclqJJwJ1nOjw _model_server_result.datetime_utc '2025-03-06 10:14:37' _model_server_result.server_version 0.9.12 _model_server_result.query_name ligand _model_server_result.source_id pdb-bcif _model_server_result.entry_id 3dpr # atom_site _model_server_params.value '{"label_asym_id":"G","auth_seq_id":50}' # 3DPR # _exptl.entry_id 3DPR _exptl.method 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' # _entity.details ? _entity.formula_weight 40.078 7 _entity.src_method syn _entity.type non-polymer _entity.pdbx_description 'CALCIUM ION' _entity.pdbx_number_of_molecules 1 _entity.pdbx_parent_entity_id . _entity.pdbx_mutation ? _entity.pdbx_fragment ? _entity.pdbx_ec ? # _cell.angle_alpha 90 _cell.angle_beta 90 _cell.angle_gamma 90 _cell.entry_id 3DPR _cell.length_a 498.117 _cell.length_b 498.117 _cell.length_c 658.425 _cell.Z_PDB 480 _cell.pdbx_unique_axis ? # _symmetry.entry_id 3DPR _symmetry.cell_setting ? _symmetry.Int_Tables_number 96 _symmetry.space_group_name_Hall ? _symmetry.space_group_name_H-M 'P 43 21 2' # loop_ _pdbx_struct_assembly.method_details _pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_details _pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_count _pdbx_struct_assembly.details ? 300-MERIC 300 'complete icosahedral assembly' 1 ? pentameric 5 'icosahedral asymmetric unit' 2 ? 25-meric 25 'icosahedral pentamer' 3 ? 30-meric 30 'icosahedral 23 hexamer' 4 ? pentameric 5 'icosahedral asymmetric unit, std point frame' 5 ? 300-meric 300 'crystal asymmetric unit, crystal frame' 6 # loop_ _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.asym_id_list _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.assembly_id _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.oper_expression A,B,C,D,E,F,G 1 (1-60) A,B,C,D,E,F,G 2 1 A,B,C,D,E,F,G 3 (1-5) A,B,C,D,E,F,G 4 (1,2,6,10,23,24) A,B,C,D,E,F,G 5 P A,B,C,D,E,F,G 6 (X0)(1-15,21-35) A,B,C,D,E,F,G 6 (X1)(1-25,41-45) # loop_ _pdbx_struct_oper_list.type _pdbx_struct_oper_list.symmetry_operation _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][1] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][2] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][3] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][1] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][2] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][3] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][1] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][2] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][3] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[1] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[2] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[3] P 'transform to point frame' ? ? 0.81194 -0.374924 0.447421 0.233153 0.910969 0.340256 -0.535157 -0.17195 0.827067 -55.08409 -144.21201 89.12792 X0 'identity operation' 1_555 x,y,z 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 X1 'transform to crystal frame' ? ? -0.72079 -0.42983 0.54379 -0.36327 0.9024 0.23176 -0.59033 -0.03049 -0.80659 270.31317 57.42341 407.7088 1 'identity operation' 1_555 x,y,z 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.385481 -0.915704 0.11354 0.762775 0.385481 0.519209 -0.519209 -0.11354 0.847072 192.87831 -18.68714 79.7554 3 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.608832 -0.718864 -0.335498 0.318493 -0.608831 0.726558 -0.726558 0.335498 0.599629 293.39653 162.64188 49.29155 4 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.608832 0.318493 -0.726558 -0.718864 -0.608832 0.335498 -0.335498 0.726558 0.599629 162.6419 293.39652 -49.29154 5 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.385481 0.762775 -0.519209 -0.915704 0.385481 -0.11354 0.11354 0.519209 0.847072 -18.68713 192.87831 -79.7554 6 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.427214 0.18404 -0.885222 0.18404 -0.940867 -0.284428 -0.885222 -0.284428 0.368081 156.69699 221.44077 147.42958 7 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.435313 0.562653 -0.702797 -0.499048 -0.498919 -0.708541 -0.749302 0.659167 0.063605 0.25627 251.83557 11.3611 8 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.961882 -0.10193 -0.253759 -0.205055 0.345104 -0.91589 0.180931 0.933013 0.311048 17.65258 108.39335 -140.40803 9 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.424791 -0.891279 -0.158664 0.659731 0.424791 -0.619926 0.619926 0.158664 0.768452 184.8448 -10.65362 -98.13803 10 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.433717 -0.714539 -0.548929 0.900205 -0.369982 -0.229661 -0.038992 -0.593756 0.8037 270.77897 59.21353 79.7554 11 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.891279 0.424791 0.158664 0.424791 0.659731 0.619926 0.158664 0.619926 -0.768452 184.8448 -10.65363 -98.13802 12 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.10193 0.961882 0.253759 0.345104 -0.205055 0.91589 0.933013 0.180931 -0.311048 17.65258 108.39334 -140.40803 13 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.562653 0.435313 0.702797 -0.498919 -0.499048 0.708542 0.659167 -0.749302 -0.063605 0.25627 251.83556 11.3611 14 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.18404 -0.427214 0.885222 -0.940867 0.18404 0.284428 -0.284428 -0.885222 -0.368081 156.69698 221.44077 147.42958 15 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.714539 -0.433717 0.548929 -0.369982 0.900205 0.229661 -0.593756 -0.038992 -0.8037 270.77897 59.21353 79.75541 16 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.318493 -0.608832 0.726558 -0.608832 -0.718864 -0.335498 0.726558 -0.335498 -0.599629 162.64189 293.39652 -49.29154 17 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.718864 -0.608832 0.335498 -0.608831 0.318493 -0.726558 0.335498 -0.726558 -0.599629 293.39652 162.64189 49.29155 18 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.915704 0.385481 -0.11354 0.385481 0.762775 -0.519209 -0.11354 -0.519209 -0.847072 192.87831 -18.68713 79.7554 19 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 20 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.762775 0.385481 0.519209 0.385481 -0.915704 0.11354 0.519209 0.11354 -0.847072 -18.68713 192.8783 -79.75539 21 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.369982 -0.714539 0.593756 0.900205 -0.433717 0.038992 0.229661 0.548929 0.8037 262.74546 67.24703 -98.13803 22 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.995938 -0.004062 0.089951 -0.004062 -0.995938 -0.089951 0.089951 -0.089951 0.991876 252.09184 252.09183 0 23 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.433717 0.900205 -0.038992 -0.714539 -0.369982 -0.593756 -0.548929 -0.229661 0.8037 67.24704 262.74546 98.13803 24 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.53971 0.748596 0.385121 -0.249371 0.5791 -0.776181 -0.804069 0.322874 0.499224 -36.33971 84.48497 60.65264 25 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.5791 -0.249371 0.776181 0.748596 0.53971 -0.385121 -0.322874 0.804069 0.499224 84.48496 -36.33971 -60.65264 26 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.499048 0.435313 0.749302 -0.498919 0.562653 -0.659167 -0.708541 -0.702797 -0.063605 134.07942 118.01241 177.89343 27 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.249371 0.53971 0.804069 0.5791 0.748596 -0.322874 -0.776181 0.385121 -0.499224 89.44994 -41.30469 49.29155 28 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.10193 0.345104 0.933013 0.961882 -0.205055 0.180931 0.253759 0.91589 -0.311048 95.39485 30.65106 -147.42957 29 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.260484 0.120435 0.957937 0.120435 -0.980386 0.156006 0.957937 0.156006 0.24087 143.69849 234.43926 -140.40803 30 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.505916 0.176187 0.844397 -0.782389 -0.505916 -0.363203 0.363203 -0.844397 0.393798 167.60687 288.43154 60.65264 31 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.120435 -0.260484 -0.957937 -0.980386 0.120435 -0.156006 0.156006 0.957937 -0.24087 143.6985 234.43926 -140.40803 32 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.345104 -0.10193 -0.933013 -0.205055 0.961882 -0.180931 0.91589 0.253759 0.311048 95.39486 30.65106 -147.42958 33 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.53971 -0.249371 -0.804069 0.748596 0.5791 0.322874 0.385121 -0.776181 0.499224 89.44995 -41.30469 49.29155 34 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.435313 -0.499048 -0.749302 0.562653 -0.498919 0.659167 -0.702797 -0.708541 0.063605 134.07943 118.0124 177.89343 35 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.176187 -0.505916 -0.844397 -0.505916 -0.782389 0.363203 -0.844397 0.363203 -0.393798 167.60688 288.43154 60.65265 36 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.748596 0.53971 -0.385121 0.5791 -0.249371 0.776181 0.322874 -0.804069 -0.499224 -36.3397 84.48496 60.65265 37 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.900205 -0.433717 0.038992 -0.369982 -0.714539 0.593756 -0.229661 -0.548929 -0.8037 67.24704 262.74545 98.13804 38 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.004062 -0.995938 -0.089951 -0.995938 -0.004062 0.089951 -0.089951 0.089951 -0.991876 252.09184 252.09183 0 39 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.714539 -0.369982 -0.593756 -0.433717 0.900205 -0.038992 0.548929 0.229661 -0.8037 262.74547 67.24704 -98.13802 40 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.249371 0.5791 -0.776181 0.53971 0.748596 0.385121 0.804069 -0.322874 -0.499224 84.48497 -36.33971 -60.65263 41 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.369982 0.900205 0.229661 -0.714539 -0.433717 0.548929 0.593756 0.038992 0.8037 59.21353 270.77896 -79.7554 42 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.424791 0.659731 0.619926 -0.891279 0.424791 0.158664 -0.158664 -0.619926 0.768452 -10.65363 184.8448 98.13803 43 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.345104 -0.205055 0.91589 -0.10193 0.961882 0.253759 -0.933013 -0.180931 0.311048 108.39334 17.65257 140.40804 44 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.498919 -0.499048 0.708542 0.562653 0.435313 0.702797 -0.659167 0.749302 0.063605 251.83557 0.25626 -11.36109 45 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.940867 0.18404 0.284428 0.18404 -0.427214 0.885222 0.284428 0.885222 0.368081 221.44078 156.69697 -147.42957 46 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.120435 -0.980386 0.156006 -0.260484 0.120435 0.957937 -0.957937 -0.156006 -0.24087 234.43926 143.69849 140.40804 47 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.782389 -0.505916 -0.363203 -0.505916 0.176187 0.844397 -0.363202 0.844397 -0.393798 288.43155 167.60687 -60.65263 48 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.498919 0.562653 -0.659167 -0.499048 0.435313 0.749302 0.708541 0.702797 0.063605 118.01242 134.07942 -177.89342 49 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.5791 0.748596 -0.322874 -0.249371 0.53971 0.804069 0.776181 -0.385121 0.499224 -41.30468 89.44994 -49.29155 50 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.961882 -0.205055 0.180931 -0.10193 0.345104 0.933013 -0.253759 -0.91589 0.311048 30.65106 95.39485 147.42958 51 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.748596 0.5791 0.322874 0.53971 -0.249371 -0.804069 -0.385121 0.776181 -0.499224 -41.30469 89.44994 -49.29154 52 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.562653 -0.498919 0.659167 0.435313 -0.499048 -0.749302 0.702797 0.708541 -0.063605 118.01241 134.07943 -177.89342 53 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.505916 -0.782389 0.363203 0.176187 -0.505916 -0.844397 0.844397 -0.363203 0.393798 288.43154 167.60687 -60.65264 54 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.980386 0.120435 -0.156006 0.120435 -0.260484 -0.957937 -0.156006 -0.957937 0.24087 234.43927 143.69849 140.40804 55 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.205055 0.961882 -0.180931 0.345104 -0.10193 -0.933013 -0.91589 -0.253759 -0.311048 30.65107 95.39486 147.42959 56 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.499048 -0.498919 -0.708541 0.435313 0.562653 -0.702797 0.749302 -0.659167 -0.063605 251.83557 0.25627 -11.36109 57 'point symmetry operation' ? ? -0.205055 0.345104 -0.91589 0.961882 -0.10193 -0.253759 -0.180931 -0.933013 -0.311048 108.39335 17.65257 140.40804 58 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.659731 0.424791 -0.619926 0.424791 -0.891279 -0.158664 -0.619926 -0.158664 -0.768452 -10.65362 184.8448 98.13804 59 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.900205 -0.369982 -0.229661 -0.433717 -0.714539 -0.548929 0.038992 0.593756 -0.8037 59.21353 270.77897 -79.75539 60 'point symmetry operation' ? ? 0.18404 -0.940867 -0.284428 -0.427214 0.18404 -0.885222 0.885222 0.284428 -0.368081 221.44078 156.69698 -147.42957 # _struct_asym.details ? _struct_asym.entity_id 7 G _struct_asym.pdbx_modified N _struct_asym.pdbx_blank_PDB_chainid_flag N # loop_ _struct_conn.conn_type_id _struct_conn.details _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_atom_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_symmetry _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_atom_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_symmetry _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr1_PDB_ins_code _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr1_label_alt_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr1_standard_comp_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr2_PDB_ins_code _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr2_label_alt_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_PDB_ins_code _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_alt_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_asym_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_atom_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_comp_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_seq_id _struct_conn.pdbx_PDB_id _struct_conn.pdbx_dist_value _struct_conn.pdbx_value_order disulf ? disulf1 E SG CYS 1 E CYS 3 1_555 E SG CYS 15 E CYS 17 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.071 ? disulf ? disulf2 E SG CYS 8 E CYS 10 1_555 E SG CYS 28 E CYS 30 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.01 ? disulf ? disulf3 E SG CYS 22 E CYS 24 1_555 E SG CYS 37 E CYS 39 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.087 ? metalc ? metalc1 E O TRP 20 E TRP 22 1_555 G CA CA . E CA 50 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.823 ? metalc ? metalc2 E OD1 ASP 23 E ASP 25 1_555 G CA CA . E CA 50 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.495 ? metalc ? metalc3 E O GLU 25 E GLU 27 1_555 G CA CA . E CA 50 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.063 ? metalc ? metalc4 E OD1 ASP 27 E ASP 29 1_555 G CA CA . E CA 50 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.906 ? metalc ? metalc5 E OD2 ASP 33 E ASP 35 1_555 G CA CA . E CA 50 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.449 ? # _chem_comp.formula 'Ca 2' _chem_comp.formula_weight 40.078 CA _chem_comp.mon_nstd_flag . 'CALCIUM ION' _chem_comp.type non-polymer _chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms ? # _atom_sites.entry_id 3DPR _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][1] 0.002008 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][2] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][3] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][1] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][2] 0.002008 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][3] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][1] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][2] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][3] 0.001519 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[1] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[2] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[3] 0 # loop_ _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.asym_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.entity_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.mon_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_strand_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.ndb_seq_num _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_seq_num _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.auth_seq_num _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_mon_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.auth_mon_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_ins_code F 6 DAO A 1 290 290 DAO DAO . G 7 CA E 1 50 50 CA CA . # _atom_site.group_PDB HETATM 1 _atom_site.type_symbol CA _atom_site.label_atom_id CA _atom_site.label_comp_id CA _atom_site.label_seq_id . _atom_site.label_alt_id . _atom_site.pdbx_PDB_ins_code . _atom_site.label_asym_id G _atom_site.label_entity_id 7 _atom_site.Cartn_x 97.23 _atom_site.Cartn_y 180.13 _atom_site.Cartn_z 147.72 _atom_site.occupancy 1 _atom_site.B_iso_or_equiv 22.54 _atom_site.pdbx_formal_charge ? _atom_site.auth_atom_id CA _atom_site.auth_comp_id CA _atom_site.auth_seq_id 50 _atom_site.auth_asym_id E _atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num 1 # _model_server_stats.io_time_ms 9 _model_server_stats.parse_time_ms 9 _model_server_stats.create_model_time_ms 15 _model_server_stats.query_time_ms 271 _model_server_stats.encode_time_ms 11 _model_server_stats.element_count 1 #