data_7VA9 # _model_server_result.job_id pPeXYM64ndkcr69WE_k6SQ _model_server_result.datetime_utc '2025-03-03 04:46:24' _model_server_result.server_version 0.9.12 _model_server_result.query_name ligand _model_server_result.source_id pdb-bcif _model_server_result.entry_id 7va9 # atom_site _model_server_params.value '{"label_asym_id":"GE","auth_seq_id":1302}' # 7VA9 # _exptl.entry_id 7VA9 _exptl.method 'ELECTRON MICROSCOPY' # _entity.details ? _entity.formula_weight 55.845 11 _entity.src_method syn _entity.type non-polymer _entity.pdbx_description 'FE (II) ION' _entity.pdbx_number_of_molecules 2 _entity.pdbx_parent_entity_id . _entity.pdbx_mutation ? _entity.pdbx_fragment ? _entity.pdbx_ec ? # _cell.angle_alpha 90 _cell.angle_beta 90 _cell.angle_gamma 90 _cell.entry_id 7VA9 _cell.length_a 1 _cell.length_b 1 _cell.length_c 1 _cell.Z_PDB ? _cell.pdbx_unique_axis ? # _symmetry.entry_id 7VA9 _symmetry.cell_setting ? _symmetry.Int_Tables_number 1 _symmetry.space_group_name_Hall ? _symmetry.space_group_name_H-M 'P 1' # _pdbx_struct_assembly.method_details ? _pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_details 54-meric _pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_count 54 _pdbx_struct_assembly.details author_defined_assembly 1 # _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.asym_id_list A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,AA,BA,CA,DA,EA,FA,GA,HA,IA,JA,KA,LA,MA,NA,OA,PA,QA,RA,SA,TA,UA,VA,WA,XA,YA,ZA,AB,BB,CB,DB,EB,FB,GB,HB,IB,JB,KB,LB,MB,NB,OB,PB,QB,RB,SB,TB,UB,VB,WB,XB,YB,ZB,AC,BC,CC,DC,EC,FC,GC,HC,IC,JC,KC,LC,MC,NC,OC,PC,QC,RC,SC,TC,UC,VC,WC,XC,YC,ZC,AD,BD,CD,DD,ED,FD,GD,HD,ID,JD,KD,LD,MD,ND,OD,PD,QD,RD,SD,TD,UD,VD,WD,XD,YD,ZD,AE,BE,CE,DE,EE,FE,GE,HE,IE,JE,KE,LE,ME,NE,OE,PE,QE,RE,SE,TE,UE,VE,WE,XE,YE,ZE,AF,BF,CF,DF,EF,FF,GF,HF,IF,JF,KF,LF,MF,NF,OF,PF,QF,RF,SF,TF,UF,VF,WF,XF,YF,ZF,AG,BG,CG,DG,EG,FG,GG,HG,IG,JG,KG,LG,MG _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.assembly_id 1 _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.oper_expression 1 # 1 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.type 'identity operation' 1_555 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.symmetry_operation ? _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][1] 1 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][2] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][3] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][1] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][2] 1 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][3] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][1] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][2] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][3] 1 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[1] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[2] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[3] 0 # loop_ _struct_asym.details _struct_asym.entity_id _struct_asym.pdbx_modified _struct_asym.pdbx_blank_PDB_chainid_flag ? 11 TB N N ? 11 GE N N # loop_ _struct_conn.conn_type_id _struct_conn.details _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_atom_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_symmetry _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_atom_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_symmetry _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr1_PDB_ins_code _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr1_label_alt_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr1_standard_comp_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr2_PDB_ins_code _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr2_label_alt_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_PDB_ins_code _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_alt_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_asym_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_atom_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_comp_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_seq_id _struct_conn.pdbx_PDB_id _struct_conn.pdbx_dist_value _struct_conn.pdbx_value_order metalc ? metalc1 A NE2 HIS 191 L HIS 190 1_555 TB FE FE2 . M FE2 1302 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.441 ? metalc ? metalc2 A NE2 HIS 231 L HIS 230 1_555 TB FE FE2 . M FE2 1302 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.646 ? metalc ? metalc3 B NE2 HIS 220 M HIS 219 1_555 TB FE FE2 . M FE2 1302 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.495 ? metalc ? metalc4 B OE1 GLU 235 M GLU 234 1_555 TB FE FE2 . M FE2 1302 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.538 ? metalc ? metalc5 B OE2 GLU 235 M GLU 234 1_555 TB FE FE2 . M FE2 1302 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.472 ? metalc ? metalc6 B NE2 HIS 267 M HIS 266 1_555 TB FE FE2 . M FE2 1302 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.537 ? metalc ? metalc7 GA NE2 HIS 191 l HIS 190 1_555 GE FE FE2 . m FE2 1302 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.462 ? metalc ? metalc8 GA NE2 HIS 231 l HIS 230 1_555 GE FE FE2 . m FE2 1302 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.609 ? metalc ? metalc9 HA NE2 HIS 220 m HIS 219 1_555 GE FE FE2 . m FE2 1302 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.495 ? metalc ? metalc10 HA OE1 GLU 235 m GLU 234 1_555 GE FE FE2 . m FE2 1302 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.539 ? metalc ? metalc11 HA OE2 GLU 235 m GLU 234 1_555 GE FE FE2 . m FE2 1302 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.473 ? metalc ? metalc12 HA NE2 HIS 267 m HIS 266 1_555 GE FE FE2 . m FE2 1302 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.537 ? # _chem_comp.formula 'Fe 2' _chem_comp.formula_weight 55.845 FE2 _chem_comp.mon_nstd_flag . 'FE (II) ION' _chem_comp.type non-polymer _chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms ? # _atom_sites.entry_id 7VA9 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][1] 1 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][2] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][3] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][1] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][2] 1 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][3] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][1] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][2] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][3] 1 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[1] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[2] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[3] 0 # loop_ _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.asym_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.entity_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.mon_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_strand_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.ndb_seq_num _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_seq_num _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.auth_seq_num _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_mon_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.auth_mon_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_ins_code MB 7 BCL L 1 301 852 BCL BCL . NB 8 BPB L 1 302 856 BPB BPH . OB 9 U10 L 1 303 1001 U10 U10 . PB 7 BCL L 1 304 402 BCL BCL . QB 8 BPB L 1 305 855 BPB BPH . RB 10 PC1 L 1 306 1701 PC1 PC1 . SB 7 BCL M 1 1301 1301 BCL BCL . TB 11 FE2 M 1 1302 857 FE2 FE2 . UB 7 BCL M 1 1303 853 BCL BCL . VB 9 U10 M 1 1304 858 U10 U10 . WB 12 SPO M 1 1305 1310 SPO SPO . XB 13 CDL M 1 1306 1601 CDL CDL . YB 10 PC1 M 1 1307 601 PC1 PC1 . ZB 7 BCL A 1 101 101 BCL BCL . AC 12 SPO A 1 102 104 SPO SPO . BC 10 PC1 A 1 103 501 PC1 PC1 . CC 10 PC1 A 1 104 601 PC1 PC1 . DC 7 BCL B 1 101 101 BCL BCL . EC 12 SPO B 1 102 105 SPO SPO . FC 12 SPO B 1 103 105 SPO SPO . GC 7 BCL D 1 101 101 BCL BCL . HC 12 SPO D 1 102 104 SPO SPO . IC 7 BCL E 1 101 101 BCL BCL . JC 7 BCL F 1 101 101 BCL BCL . KC 12 SPO F 1 102 104 SPO SPO . LC 7 BCL G 1 101 101 BCL BCL . MC 12 SPO G 1 102 105 SPO SPO . NC 12 SPO G 1 103 105 SPO SPO . OC 7 BCL I 1 101 101 BCL BCL . PC 12 SPO I 1 102 104 SPO SPO . QC 7 BCL J 1 101 101 BCL BCL . RC 7 BCL K 1 101 101 BCL BCL . SC 12 SPO K 1 102 104 SPO SPO . TC 12 SPO N 1 101 104 SPO SPO . UC 7 BCL N 1 102 101 BCL BCL . VC 12 SPO N 1 103 105 SPO SPO . WC 7 BCL O 1 101 101 BCL BCL . XC 12 SPO O 1 102 105 SPO SPO . YC 12 SPO O 1 103 105 SPO SPO . ZC 7 BCL P 1 101 101 BCL BCL . AD 7 BCL Q 1 101 101 BCL BCL . BD 12 SPO Q 1 102 104 SPO SPO . CD 7 BCL R 1 101 101 BCL BCL . DD 12 SPO R 1 102 105 SPO SPO . ED 7 BCL S 1 101 101 BCL BCL . FD 12 SPO S 1 102 104 SPO SPO . GD 7 BCL T 1 101 101 BCL BCL . HD 12 SPO T 1 102 105 SPO SPO . ID 7 BCL U 1 101 101 BCL BCL . JD 12 SPO U 1 102 104 SPO SPO . KD 7 BCL U 1 103 101 BCL BCL . LD 7 BCL W 1 101 101 BCL BCL . MD 7 BCL X 1 101 101 BCL BCL . ND 7 BCL Y 1 201 201 BCL BCL . OD 7 BCL Z 1 101 101 BCL BCL . PD 7 BCL 1 1 101 101 BCL BCL . QD 7 BCL 2 1 101 101 BCL BCL . RD 7 BCL 7 1 101 101 BCL BCL . SD 12 SPO 8 1 101 104 SPO SPO . TD 7 BCL 8 1 102 101 BCL BCL . UD 7 BCL 9 1 101 101 BCL BCL . VD 12 SPO 9 1 102 104 SPO SPO . WD 7 BCL 0 1 101 101 BCL BCL . XD 12 SPO 0 1 102 105 SPO SPO . YD 10 PC1 C 1 1201 1201 PC1 PC1 . ZD 7 BCL l 1 301 852 BCL BCL . AE 8 BPB l 1 302 856 BPB BPH . BE 9 U10 l 1 303 1001 U10 U10 . CE 10 PC1 l 1 304 1201 PC1 PC1 . DE 7 BCL l 1 305 402 BCL BCL . EE 8 BPB l 1 306 855 BPB BPH . FE 7 BCL m 1 1301 1301 BCL BCL . GE 11 FE2 m 1 1302 857 FE2 FE2 . HE 7 BCL m 1 1303 853 BCL BCL . IE 9 U10 m 1 1304 858 U10 U10 . JE 12 SPO m 1 1305 1310 SPO SPO . KE 13 CDL m 1 1306 1601 CDL CDL . LE 10 PC1 h 1 301 301 PC1 PC1 . ME 10 PC1 h 1 302 401 PC1 PC1 . NE 7 BCL a 1 101 101 BCL BCL . OE 10 PC1 a 1 102 501 PC1 PC1 . PE 10 PC1 a 1 103 601 PC1 PC1 . QE 12 SPO a 1 104 105 SPO SPO . RE 7 BCL b 1 101 101 BCL BCL . SE 7 BCL d 1 101 101 BCL BCL . TE 10 PC1 d 1 102 501 PC1 PC1 . UE 12 SPO d 1 103 104 SPO SPO . VE 12 SPO e 1 101 104 SPO SPO . WE 7 BCL e 1 102 101 BCL BCL . XE 12 SPO e 1 103 105 SPO SPO . YE 7 BCL f 1 101 101 BCL BCL . ZE 7 BCL g 1 101 101 BCL BCL . AF 12 SPO g 1 102 105 SPO SPO . BF 7 BCL i 1 101 101 BCL BCL . CF 12 SPO i 1 102 105 SPO SPO . DF 12 SPO j 1 101 104 SPO SPO . EF 7 BCL j 1 102 101 BCL BCL . FF 12 SPO j 1 103 105 SPO SPO . GF 7 BCL k 1 101 101 BCL BCL . HF 12 SPO k 1 102 104 SPO SPO . IF 7 BCL k 1 103 101 BCL BCL . JF 12 SPO n 1 101 105 SPO SPO . KF 7 BCL o 1 101 101 BCL BCL . LF 12 SPO o 1 102 104 SPO SPO . MF 7 BCL p 1 101 101 BCL BCL . NF 7 BCL q 1 101 101 BCL BCL . OF 12 SPO q 1 102 104 SPO SPO . PF 7 BCL r 1 101 101 BCL BCL . QF 12 SPO r 1 102 105 SPO SPO . RF 7 BCL s 1 101 101 BCL BCL . SF 12 SPO s 1 102 104 SPO SPO . TF 7 BCL s 1 103 101 BCL BCL . UF 12 SPO s 1 104 105 SPO SPO . VF 12 SPO s 1 105 104 SPO SPO . WF 12 SPO t 1 101 105 SPO SPO . XF 7 BCL u 1 101 101 BCL BCL . YF 7 BCL v 1 101 101 BCL BCL . ZF 7 BCL w 1 101 101 BCL BCL . AG 7 BCL x 1 101 101 BCL BCL . BG 7 BCL y 1 101 101 BCL BCL . CG 7 BCL z 1 101 101 BCL BCL . DG 7 BCL 5 1 101 101 BCL BCL . EG 7 BCL 5 1 102 101 BCL BCL . FG 12 SPO aa 1 101 104 SPO SPO . GG 7 BCL aa 1 102 101 BCL BCL . HG 12 SPO 3 1 101 104 SPO SPO . IG 7 BCL 3 1 102 101 BCL BCL . JG 12 SPO 3 1 103 104 SPO SPO . KG 7 BCL ab 1 101 101 BCL BCL . LG 12 SPO ab 1 102 105 SPO SPO . MG 7 BCL c 1 101 101 BCL BCL . # _atom_site.group_PDB HETATM 1 _atom_site.type_symbol FE _atom_site.label_atom_id FE _atom_site.label_comp_id FE2 _atom_site.label_seq_id . _atom_site.label_alt_id . _atom_site.pdbx_PDB_ins_code . _atom_site.label_asym_id GE _atom_site.label_entity_id 11 _atom_site.Cartn_x 106.084 _atom_site.Cartn_y 138.084 _atom_site.Cartn_z 127.191 _atom_site.occupancy 1 _atom_site.B_iso_or_equiv 12.08 _atom_site.pdbx_formal_charge ? _atom_site.auth_atom_id FE _atom_site.auth_comp_id FE2 _atom_site.auth_seq_id 1302 _atom_site.auth_asym_id m _atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num 1 # _model_server_stats.io_time_ms 40 _model_server_stats.parse_time_ms 13 _model_server_stats.create_model_time_ms 41 _model_server_stats.query_time_ms 320 _model_server_stats.encode_time_ms 3 _model_server_stats.element_count 1 #