data_8UA1 # _model_server_result.job_id zoKFgKdI3nevFNCuLfOnJQ _model_server_result.datetime_utc '2024-12-01 01:13:25' _model_server_result.server_version 0.9.12 _model_server_result.query_name ligand _model_server_result.source_id pdb-bcif _model_server_result.entry_id 8ua1 # atom_site _model_server_params.value '{"label_asym_id":"R","auth_seq_id":903}' # 8UA1 # _exptl.entry_id 8UA1 _exptl.method 'ELECTRON MICROSCOPY' # _entity.details ? _entity.formula_weight 492.201 3 _entity.src_method syn _entity.type non-polymer _entity.pdbx_description '[[[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-3,4-bis(oxidanyl)oxolan-2-yl]methoxy-oxidanyl-phosphoryl]oxy-oxidanyl-phosphoryl]oxy-tris(fluoranyl)beryllium' _entity.pdbx_number_of_molecules 7 _entity.pdbx_parent_entity_id . _entity.pdbx_mutation ? _entity.pdbx_fragment ? _entity.pdbx_ec ? # _pdbx_struct_assembly.method_details ? _pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_details heptameric _pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_count 7 _pdbx_struct_assembly.details author_defined_assembly 1 # _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.asym_id_list A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.assembly_id 1 _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.oper_expression 1 # 1 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.type 'identity operation' 1_555 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.symmetry_operation ? _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][1] 1 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][2] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][3] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][1] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][2] 1 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][3] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][1] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][2] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][3] 1 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[1] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[2] 0 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[3] 0 # loop_ _struct_asym.details _struct_asym.entity_id _struct_asym.pdbx_modified _struct_asym.pdbx_blank_PDB_chainid_flag ? 3 H N N ? 3 J N N ? 3 L N N ? 3 N N N ? 3 P N N ? 3 R N N ? 3 V N N # loop_ _struct_conn.conn_type_id _struct_conn.details _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_atom_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_symmetry _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_atom_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_symmetry _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr1_PDB_ins_code _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr1_label_alt_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr1_standard_comp_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr2_PDB_ins_code _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr2_label_alt_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_PDB_ins_code _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_alt_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_asym_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_atom_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_comp_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_seq_id _struct_conn.pdbx_PDB_id _struct_conn.pdbx_dist_value _struct_conn.pdbx_value_order metalc ? metalc1 A OG1 THR 262 A THR 262 1_555 I MG MG . A MG 902 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.881 ? metalc ? metalc2 A OG1 THR 535 A THR 535 1_555 K MG MG . A MG 904 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.338 ? metalc ? metalc3 H O2B 08T . A 08T 901 1_555 I MG MG . A MG 902 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.587 ? metalc ? metalc4 J O1A 08T . A 08T 903 1_555 K MG MG . A MG 904 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.664 ? metalc ? metalc5 J O2B 08T . A 08T 903 1_555 K MG MG . A MG 904 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.024 ? metalc ? metalc6 B OG1 THR 262 B THR 262 1_555 M MG MG . B MG 902 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.15 ? metalc ? metalc7 B OG1 THR 535 B THR 535 1_555 O MG MG . B MG 904 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.849 ? metalc ? metalc8 L O2B 08T . B 08T 901 1_555 M MG MG . B MG 902 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.223 ? metalc ? metalc9 N O2B 08T . B 08T 903 1_555 O MG MG . B MG 904 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.91 ? metalc ? metalc10 C OG1 THR 262 C THR 262 1_555 Q MG MG . C MG 902 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.857 ? metalc ? metalc11 C OG1 THR 535 C THR 535 1_555 S MG MG . C MG 904 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.774 ? metalc ? metalc12 P O2B 08T . C 08T 901 1_555 Q MG MG . C MG 902 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.965 ? metalc ? metalc13 R O2B 08T . C 08T 903 1_555 S MG MG . C MG 904 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.896 ? metalc ? metalc14 F OG1 THR 535 F THR 535 1_555 W MG MG . F MG 902 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.062 ? metalc ? metalc15 V O2B 08T . F 08T 901 1_555 W MG MG . F MG 902 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.11 ? # _chem_comp.formula 'C10 H14 Be F3 N5 O10 P2' _chem_comp.formula_weight 492.201 08T _chem_comp.mon_nstd_flag . '[[[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-3,4-bis(oxidanyl)oxolan-2-yl]methoxy-oxidanyl-phosphoryl]oxy-oxidanyl-phosphoryl]oxy-tris(fluoranyl)beryllium' _chem_comp.type non-polymer _chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms ? # loop_ _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_1 _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_2 _chem_comp_bond.comp_id _chem_comp_bond.value_order _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_ordinal _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_stereo_config _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_aromatic_flag O3' C3' 08T sing 1 n n O2' C2' 08T sing 2 n n C3' C4' 08T sing 3 n n C3' C2' 08T sing 4 n n C4' C5' 08T sing 5 n n C4' O4' 08T sing 6 n n C2' C1' 08T sing 7 n n C5' O5' 08T sing 8 n n O4' C1' 08T sing 9 n n C1' N9 08T sing 10 n n N3 C2 08T doub 11 n y N3 C4 08T sing 12 n y O2A PA 08T doub 13 n n C2 N1 08T sing 14 n y O5' PA 08T sing 15 n n C4 N9 08T sing 16 n y C4 C5 08T doub 17 n y N9 C8 08T sing 18 n y PA O1A 08T sing 19 n n PA O3A 08T sing 20 n n N1 C6 08T doub 21 n y C5 C6 08T sing 22 n y C5 N7 08T sing 23 n y O3A PB 08T sing 24 n n C8 N7 08T doub 25 n y C6 N6 08T sing 26 n n O1B PB 08T doub 27 n n PB O3B 08T sing 28 n n PB O2B 08T sing 29 n n F1 BE 08T sing 30 n n BE F3 08T sing 31 n n O3B BE 08T sing 32 n n BE F2 08T sing 33 n n C5' H1 08T sing 34 n n C5' H2 08T sing 35 n n C4' H3 08T sing 36 n n C3' H4 08T sing 37 n n O3' H5 08T sing 38 n n C2' H6 08T sing 39 n n O2' H7 08T sing 40 n n C1' H8 08T sing 41 n n O1A H9 08T sing 42 n n C2 H10 08T sing 43 n n O2B H11 08T sing 44 n n N6 H12 08T sing 45 n n N6 H13 08T sing 46 n n C8 H14 08T sing 47 n n # _atom_sites.entry_id 8UA1 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][1] 1 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][2] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][3] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][1] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][2] 1 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][3] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][1] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][2] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][3] 1 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[1] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[2] 0 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[3] 0 # loop_ _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.asym_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.entity_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.mon_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_strand_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.ndb_seq_num _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_seq_num _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.auth_seq_num _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_mon_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.auth_mon_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_ins_code H 3 08T A 1 901 901 08T ADP . I 4 MG A 1 902 903 MG MG . J 3 08T A 1 903 904 08T ADP . K 4 MG A 1 904 906 MG MG . L 3 08T B 1 901 901 08T ADP . M 4 MG B 1 902 903 MG MG . N 3 08T B 1 903 904 08T ADP . O 4 MG B 1 904 906 MG MG . P 3 08T C 1 901 901 08T ADP . Q 4 MG C 1 902 903 MG MG . R 3 08T C 1 903 904 08T ADP . S 4 MG C 1 904 906 MG MG . T 5 ADP D 1 901 901 ADP ADP . U 5 ADP D 1 902 904 ADP ADP . V 3 08T F 1 901 904 08T ADP . W 4 MG F 1 902 906 MG MG . # loop_ _atom_site.group_PDB _atom_site.type_symbol _atom_site.label_atom_id _atom_site.label_comp_id _atom_site.label_seq_id _atom_site.label_alt_id _atom_site.pdbx_PDB_ins_code _atom_site.label_asym_id _atom_site.label_entity_id _atom_site.Cartn_x _atom_site.Cartn_y _atom_site.Cartn_z _atom_site.occupancy _atom_site.B_iso_or_equiv _atom_site.pdbx_formal_charge _atom_site.auth_atom_id _atom_site.auth_comp_id _atom_site.auth_seq_id _atom_site.auth_asym_id _atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num HETATM 1 P PA 08T . . . R 3 177.192 123.016 137.267 1 83.47 ? PA 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 2 P PB 08T . . . R 3 179.035 124.883 138.58 1 78.87 ? PB 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 3 BE BE 08T . . . R 3 179.854 127.49 138.546 1 84.47 ? BE 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 4 C C5' 08T . . . R 3 178.1 122.531 134.843 1 77.44 ? C5' 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 5 O O5' 08T . . . R 3 178.036 122.169 136.238 1 80.6 ? O5' 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 6 C C4' 08T . . . R 3 177.104 121.714 134.06 1 66.5 ? C4' 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 7 O O4' 08T . . . R 3 177.82 120.803 133.192 1 62.5 ? O4' 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 8 C C3' 08T . . . R 3 176.162 120.838 134.881 1 65.19 ? C3' 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 9 O O3' 08T . . . R 3 174.975 121.548 135.215 1 75.14 ? O3' 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 10 C C2' 08T . . . R 3 175.907 119.682 133.923 1 69.19 ? C2' 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 11 O O2' 08T . . . R 3 174.954 120.023 132.923 1 74.6 ? O2' 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 12 C C1' 08T . . . R 3 177.319 119.493 133.378 1 65.35 ? C1' 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 13 N N1 08T . . . R 3 178.351 115.126 135.904 1 66.92 ? N1 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 14 O O1A 08T . . . R 3 175.941 123.473 136.638 1 81.65 ? O1A 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 15 O O1B 08T . . . R 3 180.095 123.809 138.816 1 71.16 ? O1B 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 16 F F1 08T . . . R 3 178.648 127.757 139.454 1 89.17 ? F1 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 17 C C2 08T . . . R 3 177.368 115.458 135.063 1 68.88 ? C2 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 18 O O2A 08T . . . R 3 177.002 122.342 138.62 1 72.84 ? O2A 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 19 O O2B 08T . . . R 3 178.251 125.275 139.774 1 82.31 ? O2B 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 20 F F2 08T . . . R 3 181.2 127.562 139.33 1 80.9 ? F2 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 21 N N3 08T . . . R 3 177.158 116.619 134.439 1 68.57 ? N3 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 22 O O3A 08T . . . R 3 178.095 124.267 137.484 1 73.67 ? O3A 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 23 O O3B 08T . . . R 3 179.704 126.048 137.892 1 82.61 ? O3B 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 24 F F3 08T . . . R 3 179.925 128.574 137.446 1 90.07 ? F3 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 25 C C4 08T . . . R 3 178.104 117.511 134.747 1 66.5 ? C4 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 26 C C5 08T . . . R 3 179.181 117.315 135.596 1 67.09 ? C5 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 27 C C6 08T . . . R 3 179.293 116.048 136.197 1 66.42 ? C6 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 28 N N6 08T . . . R 3 180.275 115.709 137.036 1 69.16 ? N6 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 29 N N7 08T . . . R 3 179.955 118.461 135.678 1 71.05 ? N7 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 30 C C8 08T . . . R 3 179.339 119.307 134.89 1 67.99 ? C8 08T 903 C 1 HETATM 31 N N9 08T . . . R 3 178.215 118.802 134.295 1 63.36 ? N9 08T 903 C 1 # _model_server_stats.io_time_ms 26 _model_server_stats.parse_time_ms 46 _model_server_stats.create_model_time_ms 102 _model_server_stats.query_time_ms 1268 _model_server_stats.encode_time_ms 37 _model_server_stats.element_count 31 #